Can't get selfoss working on Arch/nginx

by PDog, Saturday, April 25, 2015, 10:46 (3456 days ago)


I have followed all directions outlined in the selfoss documentation and in the GitHub wiki entry for nginx configuration. I have installed all necessary dependencies, I have set the proper permissions, and I already have a virtually untouched nginx server running (complete with default "Welcome to nginx!" home page). At this point, I have my selfoss.conf file properly symlinked in sites-enabled with the only necessary line changed in the example file:

server_name; -> server_name

After restarting the nginx service, I expected to see the selfoss landing page, but it just keeps showing the default "Welcome to nginx!" page. I have tried playing around with nginx.conf by replacing the default server block in the file with the server block from the configuration file in the wiki example, but this just causes the page to time out. I have even set the server_name as localhost and pointed to the proper selfoss locations, but this hasn't worked for me either.

I have tried everything I could possibly imagine to get this to work, but after hours of trying, I can't find a solution. I see that several people have successful nginx configurations running, so if anyone could carefully walk me though this, it would be much appreciated.

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