css locations

by gnaaaaaargh, Tuesday, January 19, 2016, 13:07 (3187 days ago)

I just installed selfoss on a local machine (Debian 7, banana pi, Apache 2).

Installation itself was very simple -- I just made a link inside the /var/www directory to ~/myusername/git/selfoss, and updated the folder permissions as outlined in the Github readme page.

However selfoss wasn't using the correct paths to the css files. The index page looks for all-v2.15-SNAPSHOT.css in the site root (it's in ..../selfoss/public) and for ..../selfoss/css/fonts.css (which is likewise in ..../selfoss/public/css/fonts.css).

I didn't find anything in the documentation about copying public to the site root, or about configuring a path to the styles. So I fixed it (for now) by putting links in the site root to the appropriate files/folders. Now the site is using the right css, or looks like it is!

Have I missed a step somewhere?


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