selfoss.DEBUG messages in Apache error.log

by cpunke, Friday, July 14, 2017, 12:52 (2570 days ago)

I found many logs in /var/log/apache2/error.log like these:

[2017-07-14 07:00:02] selfoss.DEBUG: set cookie on localhost/selfoss/ expiring in 2592000 seconds [] []
[2017-07-14 07:00:02] selfoss.DEBUG: session does not contain valid auth [] []
[2017-07-14 07:00:02] selfoss.DEBUG: Establish database connection [] []
[2017-07-14 07:00:02] selfoss.DEBUG: --- [] []
[2017-07-14 07:00:02] selfoss.DEBUG: start fetching source "Der Postillon (id: 3) [] []
[2017-07-14 07:00:02] selfoss.DEBUG: spout successfully loaded: spouts\rss\feed [] []
[2017-07-14 07:00:02] selfoss.DEBUG: fetch content [] []
[2017-07-14 07:00:03] selfoss.DEBUG: minimum date: 2017-06-30 07:00:03 [] []
[2017-07-14 07:00:03] selfoss.DEBUG: start item fetching [] []
[2017-07-14 07:00:03] selfoss.DEBUG: destroy spout object [] []
[2017-07-14 07:00:03] selfoss.DEBUG: --- [] []

selfoss is running fine.

the logger_level in config.ini is set to NONE.

Somebody any ideas where to switch off these messages?

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