Installation problems

by sts, Sunday, April 21, 2013, 01:38 (4191 days ago)

I try quite for a while now to install selfoss but without success.
Unfortunately I only get this: [image]

I followed the install instructions as far as I understand them.

I created a new folder "selfoss" in my document root (/var/www) and copied all files in this folder (including .htaccess). I changed the permissions for /data and /public to 777 and I also changed the owner of the selfoss folder to www-data (it's an Ubuntu 12.04 server with Apache and PHP 5.3, mod_rewrite and mod_headers are enabled). I didn't change anything in the default.ini.

I tried to install 2.5 before but just with the same result. However, in the meantime I managed to install tinytinyrss so apache/php should be fine, I suppose.

I just started with 2.6 from scratch again but no luck.
Any help would be much appreciated.

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