getting started?

by petty, Friday, April 18, 2014, 14:21 (3753 days ago) @ petty

I think I figured out some answers to questions above:

1) What is a spout?

-- a spout is a special type of feed (github, twitter timeline or acoount) ... there are a bunch
-- they show up in a <select> element on the Sources page, when adding or editing a Feed you'll interact with this form field

2) OPML is fickle, or you might not have an OPML file to start with ... So how do you add a feed?

-- navigate to or{base_url}/#sources

... from there you can add / edit feeds & import / export OPML files, too.

I'm not sure if a button is supposed to exist in the UI for this -- but it should so ...

3) All the the site templates are in /templates & are pretty straight forward

-- I added a link to home.html near navigation that linked to href="#sources"

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