Selfoss beta - Internal Server Error, Array to string conver

by gumina, Monday, November 03, 2014, 00:56 (3554 days ago)

hi @all,

thank you very much for a this beautifull news-aggragation tool!
i used still the stable-version and the ios app.

for some testing i create a second account with a snapshot of latest developments.
the second account uses the same config.

but since a few versions i got an error and not clearly a hint where i seems to come from. i got the login-form but after inserting the data...

The output shows:
Internal Server Error
Array to string conversion

Serverlog the same:
Array to string conversion, referer: http://selfoss-beta...

If i enable the debug-logging there also i got an error that the user/passwort data is invalid:
10-03-14 20:44:09 Debug set cookie on selfoss-beta... expiring in 2592000 seconds
10-03-14 20:44:09 Debug session does not contain valid auth

I thought to reset the user-values with the given passwort tool but it also shows the "array to string conversion" error after submit the form.

do anyone have an idea which conversion in code could be the reason?
thank you!

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