"error loading feed content: fsockopen error"

by Nephe, Thursday, February 23, 2017, 16:37 (2711 days ago)

Hi everyone,

Since a few days, my Selfoss installation is unable to update feeds.
I get the following error message for every entry in my source list :

2017-02-23 10:22:11error loading feed content: fsockopen error: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known

(It is in red, right under the source parameters, and the whole thing is circled is red.)

Everything was working fine since my first installation a few month ago.
I use a VPS with Debian 8.

Some research on google told me that this error message may be related to host configuration,
and I think I got a debian update that modified the host file around the same date the
issue occurred (I am not 100% sure, I didn't pay a lot of attention to the update as I didn't think it could mess with any of my services).

Anyone know how to fix it ?

Thank you for reading,

[Solved] "error loading feed content: fsockopen error"

by Nephe, Thursday, February 23, 2017, 18:35 (2711 days ago) @ Nephe

Well, I eventually fixed the issue, doing the following :

- adding my domain name to /etc/hosts
- configuring again the reverse DNS on my VPS host panel
- rebooting the server

Because of the propagation time of DNS, I don't know it the two first step were
useful (before rebooting, the issue wasn't fixed).

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