RSSFeeds Spouts expanded, not collapsed by default?

by stevenriz, Friday, August 30, 2019, 16:25 (1793 days ago)

Hello everyone. Got Selfoss up on Ubuntu in no time. Spent days on a Windows Server and never got it working properly :(

Anyway, now that we have the Ubuntu based system in place, we added a feed successfully.

All "spouts" (?) or items in the feed are collapsed by default. Can we have them open or expanded by default as the feeds are refreshed?

Our goal is to put this site on our content monitors around the office to show this data to our user community and if the items are collapsed, we don't see what's inside.



RSSFeeds Spouts expanded, not collapsed by default?

by jtojnar, Wednesday, September 18, 2019, 01:15 (1774 days ago) @ stevenriz

The recent accessibility improvements allowed me to implement this feature. You can find the draft in the default-expand branch.

I am not merging it yet, as there are still two minor issues:

  • Our image lazy loading is rather limited at the moment so I had to turn it off with the feature enabled.
  • When visiting a direct link to an item it will get closed.

Other than that it should work.

You can obtain the branch via git and then installing as per the docs or by applying a patch to the latest development build.

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