Sprout account requirements for Facebook / Twitter

by ShawnPConroy, Friday, April 08, 2022, 17:32 (840 days ago)

Hello there, thanks for Selfoss.

I thought it would be great to aggregate some content from Facebook and Twitter because so many public figures and organizations don't post their content anywhere else.

Am I correct that in order to access Twitter lists and timeline Tweets, you don't need just the essential (default) developer account, but elevated access?

"You currently have Essential access which includes access to Twitter API v2 endpoints only. If you need access to this endpoint, you’ll need to apply for Elevated access via the Developer Portal." Is there an easier way? My application is being processed.

Though with Facebook I'm getting an error:

error loading feed content: Client error response [url] https://graph.facebook.com/NASAArtemis?access_token=xxx%7xxx&fields=name%2Cpicture%7Burl%7D%2Clink%2Cfeed%7Bid%2Cmessage%2Ccreated_time%2Cattachments%2Cpermalink_url%7D [status code] 400 [reason phrase] Bad Request

Is the sprout no longer functional, or is this likely an issue on my end? I removed my token data. Great work.


Sprout account requirements for Facebook / Twitter

by jtojnar, Friday, April 08, 2022, 20:10 (840 days ago) @ ShawnPConroy

Unfortunately, these sites are more user hostile each year.

I gave up on Facebook after a while, since last time I looked I was not able to get a working API key. We will probably need to switch to some scraping method if we want to get it working again, see https://github.com/fossar/selfoss/issues/1264.

As for Twitter, we still use API v1.1 and the standalone app I use works for me in selfoss.

Sprout account requirements for Facebook / Twitter

by ShawnPConroy, Friday, April 08, 2022, 21:32 (840 days ago) @ jtojnar

Thanks for the update. That's disappointing about Facebook.

Strange about the Twitter API version. I got my elevation, and it just started working with no changes on my part, despite not using v2.0, as your link demonstrated.

I got my follow timeline to work. I also got another user's post timeline to work. However, I cannot get it to display. I use my username and the list number (id?) from the URL when I go to one of my public lists. But I get this error: error loading feed content: Sorry, that page does not exist.

So I tried to change it to be the list name, which also didn't work. However, when I tried a list name without a space, it did work. So I suppose if I encode the space the other one will work. Showing that as a tip may help.

Also, one error message I got why I tried something different was it said you need a list name and a username or a list ID. If modern twitter lists are shown using the ID in the URL that's a more obvious and failsafe way to do it. But the error checking says username is non-optional.

Sprout account requirements for Facebook / Twitter

by jtojnar, Friday, April 08, 2022, 23:08 (840 days ago) @ ShawnPConroy

Hmm, looks like Twitter indeed switched away from the slugs. Previously, they would use URLs like https://twitter.com/KevinRothrock/lists/anglophone-russia (lowercased and spaces replaced by dashes). I opened an issue about it: https://github.com/fossar/selfoss/issues/1331

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