Selfoss 2.19 and PHP 8.2

by snak-pak, Sunday, February 26, 2023, 08:10 (517 days ago)
edited by snak-pak, Sunday, February 26, 2023, 08:24

I upgraded from 2.18 to 2.19 and also migrated from PHP 5.6 to 8.2, and Apache to Nginx.

I got Selfoss running but there are some strange things going on.

First, in all my RSS feeds the article images aren't showing. Instead they are replaced with a large cyan-coloured box where each image should be. The images do show up fine in my Twitter: your timeline feed.

Second, when I'm in "Unread" mode and click on "Mark as read" after reviewing all the articles, the view doesn't advance to the next set of articles anymore. Instead the view retains the same set of articles and just shows them all as read. In order to advance I have to click on the "Unread" button again in order to update the view.

Selfoss 2.19 and PHP 8.2

by jtojnar, Monday, February 27, 2023, 16:44 (516 days ago) @ snak-pak

First, in all my RSS feeds the article images aren't showing. Instead they are replaced with a large cyan-coloured box where each image should be. The images do show up fine in my Twitter: your timeline feed.

For the Twitter source, what you are seeing is a “thumbnail” – a primary image extracted from the tweet and stored in selfoss’s data directory. It may be that something (e.g. browser extension) is blocking the images in the articles, which will be loaded from the individual website. You may get more info in the Network panel of your browser’s developer tools.

Second, when I'm in "Unread" mode and click on "Mark as read" after reviewing all the articles, the view doesn't advance to the next set of articles anymore. Instead the view retains the same set of articles and just shows them all as read. In order to advance I have to click on the "Unread" button again in order to update the view.

Sorry about that. That is a known bug and was fixed. You may try the latest build in the meanwhile.

Selfoss 2.19 and PHP 8.2

by snak-pak, Tuesday, February 28, 2023, 23:40 (514 days ago) @ jtojnar

Thank you, I will try the nightly build!

Trying to diagnose why images from the articles don't show up but I'm a bit weak on the Javascript side of things. My web inspector looks like the following example, the img highlighted I can reach from my browser when I paste it manually but shows up as a cyan box. Should I be looking for something different?


Selfoss 2.19 and PHP 8.2

by snak-pak, Wednesday, March 01, 2023, 00:01 (514 days ago) @ snak-pak

The nightly build is giving me an internal server error with the message,
Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead

php-fpm logs looks like this:

2023/02/28 15:54:20 [error] 47310#100700: *91140 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} insteadPHP message: [src/helpers/Configuration.php:248] PHP message: [vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php:578] Base->{closure}()PHP message: [vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php:578] include()PHP message: [vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php:432] Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader::Composer\Autoload\{closure}()PHP message: [src/common.php:49] Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass()PHP message: [index.php:5] require()" while reading response header from upstream

Maybe it's a PHP 8.2 thing. I'll dig around and see what I can figure out. Newer PHP versions always seem to break things.

If it's most likely something on my end, I can blow away my instance and try again.

Selfoss 2.19 and PHP 8.2

by jtojnar, Wednesday, March 01, 2023, 08:26 (514 days ago) @ snak-pak

The nightly build is giving me an internal server error with the message,
Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead

Sorry, this was my mistake, fixed in

Selfoss 2.19 and PHP 8.2

by snak-pak, Tuesday, March 07, 2023, 06:03 (508 days ago) @ jtojnar

Thank you, the latest nightly build resolves the above server error issue and is working for me now. Also, "mark as read" updates the display once again in this version so I'm happy about that.

I wasn't using offline mode but I may have once turned it on inadvertently.

I used Safari's web inspector on Mac to inspect the page elements.

And finally, one comment. The latest night mode user.css is nice, I just had to adjust the transparency to make it a bit easier to read.

Selfoss 2.19 and PHP 8.2

by snak-pak, Wednesday, March 01, 2023, 04:39 (514 days ago) @ snak-pak

Nevermind on the images issue, I got it working. It was a file permissions / ownership problem. I reverted back to 2.19 as well

Apologies for wasting your time

Selfoss 2.19 and PHP 8.2

by jtojnar, Wednesday, March 01, 2023, 09:22 (514 days ago) @ snak-pak

I think an offline mode issue is more likely since the third-party images are not stored in selfoss data directory.

Selfoss 2.19 and PHP 8.2

by jtojnar, Wednesday, March 01, 2023, 09:21 (514 days ago) @ snak-pak

Oh, right, I forgot we are also using lazy loading.

Are there any errors in the Console tab?

What web browser is that?

Are you perhaps using offline mode (I see a cloud next to unread count)? That is still experimental and can cause issues sometimes. Logging out from selfoss should disable the offline mode.

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