RSS feeds do not update

by dogtown, Saturday, March 28, 2015, 17:28 (3484 days ago)

I have installed selfoss on a Fedora 21 server running Apache. I can browser to the page and add rss feeds and tags, but when I run update.php it doesn't download/update any of the feeds. The feeds always have 0 entries. Here is a copy of the log in DEBUG mode:

03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug ---
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug start fetching source "Polygon (id: 1)
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug spout successfully loaded: spouts\rss\feed
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug fetch content
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug minimum date: 2015-02-26 14:36:52
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug start item fetching
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug destroy spout object
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug ---
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug start fetching source "Slashdot (id: 2)
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug spout successfully loaded: spouts\rss\feed
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug fetch content
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug minimum date: 2015-02-26 14:36:52
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug start item fetching
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug destroy spout object
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug ---
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug start fetching source "Joystiq (id: 3)
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug spout successfully loaded: spouts\rss\feed
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug fetch content
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug minimum date: 2015-02-26 14:36:52
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug start item fetching
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug destroy spout object
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug cleanup orphaned and old items
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug cleanup orphaned and old items finished
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug delete orphaned thumbnails
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug delete orphaned thumbnails finished
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug delete orphaned icons
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug delete orphaned icons finished
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug optimize database
03-28-15 14:36:52 Debug optimize database finished

I have installed the following RPM packages through YUM:

I added this stanza to my httpd.conf file: (I installed selfoss in the rss directory)
<Directory /var/www/html/rss>
AllowOverride All

I updated the rewrite engine section of the .htaccess file to this:
# Enable rewrite engine and route requests to framework
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /rss/

Can anyone help me with this problem ?

Complete thread:

 RSS Feed of thread

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