Windows Server Install "Confused"

by jtojnar, Tuesday, August 27, 2019, 23:53 (1871 days ago) @ stevenriz

thanks for the reply. It helps, although I did follow step 6 but my config.ini has a db_file param but it appears that is only relevant to sqlite. I will remove it and see what happens.

Yeah, it will be just ignored when db_type is not sqlite.

db_file=E:\MySQL\data\selfoss\db.opt (to be removed)

This should most likely be just root. localhost is already included in db_host.

I see an error in the Apache error log file and am trying to figure that out as well...
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'mysql' (tried: C:\\php\\ext\\mysql (The specified module could not be found.), C:\\php\\ext\\php_mysql.dll (The specified module could not be found.)) in Unknown on line 0

I think there is only php_mysqli.dll and php_pdo_mysql.dll in PHP 7.3. I would guess that in your php.ini, you have extension=mysql (probably obtained from some earlier version of PHP). Try removing that line and making sure the required extension=pdo_mysql is present instead (not commented out).

Now, I am uncertain how to add feeds... Is this the part of the Selfoss document explaining it?

Hmm, apparently we do not have any usage guide; added it to the issue list.

You can add feeds from the “Settings” page (accessible by clicking the cloud icon in the sidebar).

You can easily add your own data sources. Spouts (aka plugins) fetch the content from the different sources. Some spouts are included:

That is meant more for a developers. For example, if they want to subscribe to a timeline of a social network that does not provide RSS feed.

Learning as I go...

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